Friday, June 13, 2008

Missing In Action (at least for my husband)

I would like to put out a public apology for getting everyone all worried about me being missing in action!! I was going along doing my calling getting out the branch newsletters and was over at the newer area where Chris and Pria were home and invited me in for a little chat. Well, one thing led to another and my chatty self led me to eating some food, checking out the basement, talking about all our branch's fun activities meanwhile losing track of time. So thank you all for your concern but I was safe and sound chatting away!!


Kim said...

Now that it's all over it's kind of funny! But we are all glad that you were found safe and sound. Just don't forget your cell phone next time! =)

Aubrey said...

Did you see that missed call from me? I was going to leave a message, but decided that you probably had a million by then. They asked me where I thought you would be and I thought for a second and decided you could be ANYWHERE, talking to ANYONE!!! :D

Dink said...

Yeah it was funny, you all should've seen poor Jesse once he found me he was falling apart. Kinda felt bad but when I get a chattin' I have trouble stopping!!!

Fiagle Family said...

Hey I've been missing you!! Its been forever! We are going to be up there for July are you going to be around at all if I stop are still in SLC?